My little guy has a mild stomach flu. And I have a cold. Which isn't so bad.
When I was a mom of just one child, that child happened to love to snuggle and nap with me. I thought I'd get to enjoy the life of cuddly afternoon naps for all my years of having little ones around. But my second stopped napping before she could walk. And my third, very maturely, wanted to be left alone to sleep. (I didn't know children like that existed. So it came as quite a shock when she settled down and went to sleep once I finally figured out to leave her alone.)
And mostly with my last, he's been like my second, whom he looks nearly exactly like.
But yesterday he and I were under the weather. When he woke up from his rare nap, I was feeling just ready to catch a few winks myself. I invited him to join me, and low and behold, he rested right at my side until both our eyes closed and we were out!
What a rare moment to enjoy, before I dozed off and after I woke up! It took me back to how much I secretly loved when his big sister, generally active and head-strong, would get a little bug and be mild and cuddly. Ah, the strange moments we mothers cherish.
Anyway, getting to be so close for those moments to an otherwise very busy little guy reminded me of the one quote I loved in the article I've been ranting about ever since I read it. (Your can read my direct rants, and link to the article here.) But the quote on the interviewed homeschooling mom's wall says, "When your children are in your arms, they are no longer under foot."
I love this quote! It's so true. And as much as we may sometimes feel the time we give up to be with our kids is so long or great, it flies so quickly, and with some children, time flies even more swiftly than with others. I'm glad I have sick days to remember to cherish my little ones always!
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